Sunday, November 17, 2013

Reference List

Academic Journals:

Herberger, Matthew, Heather Cooley, Eli Moore, and Pablo Herrera.  “The Impacts of Sea Level Rise on the San Francisco Bay.”  California Energy Commission’s California Climate Change Center (2012) : 1-22.  Web.  08 November 2013.

Parker, Thomas V., John C. Callaway, Lisa M. Schile, Michael C. Vasey, and Ellen R. Herbert.  “Climate Change and San Francisco Bay-Delta Tidal Wetlands.”  San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 9.3  (2011) : 1-10.  Web.  09 November 2013.

Vasey, Michael C., Thomas V. Parker, John C. Callaway, Ellen R. Herbert, and Lisa M. Schile.  “Tidal Wetland Vegetation in the San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary.”  San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 10.2  (2012) : 1-14.  Web.  11 November 2013.

Other Web Sources:

Berg, Linda R., Mary Catherine Hager, and David M. Hassenzahl.  Visualizing Environmental Science: Third Edition.  Hoboken:  John Wiley & Sons, 2011.  Print.

Blueford, Joyce R.  San Francisco Estuarine Wetlands.  Math/Science Nucleus.  Web.  10 November 2013.  []

Mack, Heather.  Bay Area Wetlands Now Even More Special., 2013.  Web.  13 November 2013.

Miller, Craig.  Bay Area Wetlands Slowly Drowning as Seas Rise.  KQED Science, 2013.  Web.  11 November 2013.

Travis, Will.  San Francisco Bay: Learning from the past, celebrating the present, preparing for the future.  University of California Museum of Paleontology short course, 2010.  Web.  13 November 2013.

A Brief History of the San Francisco Bay Tidal Marshes.   National Science Foundation.  Web.  11 November 2013.

Design Guidelines for Tidal Restoration in San Francisco Bay.  San Francisco Bay Area Wetlands Regional Monitoring Program.  Web.  11 November 2013.

Invasive Non-Native Species to Avoid in Wetland Projects In the San Francisco Bay Region.  San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board, 2006.  Web.  14 November 2013.

Save The Bay- About the Bay.  Save The Bay (San Francisco).  Web.  10 November 2013.

Save The Bay- Don't Pave My Bay! History.  Save The Bay (San Francisco).  Web.  15 November 2013.

San Francisco Bay Plan. San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission, 2007.  Web.  11 November 2013.

Photograph Sources:

Crabb, Aric, and Bay Area News Group.  “Napa-Sonoma Marshes State Wildlife Area.”  Photograph.  Massive new wetlands restoration reshapes San Francisco Bay.  San Jose Mercury News, 2013.  Web.  14 November 2013.

“Current Aquatic System.”  Photograph.  The Shrinking Bay.  The Bay Institute.  Web.  14 November 2013.

“Historical Aquatic System.”  Photograph.  The Shrinking Bay.  The Bay Institute.  Web.  14 November 2013.

Restoration Advisory Board.  “North Pond wetland connected to San Francisco Bay.”  Photograph.   Massive landscaping project changing scenic area on Nature Reserve.  Alameda Point Environmental Report, 2013.  Web.  14 November 2013.

San Francisco History Center.  “Butchertown wetlands.”  Photograph.  FoundSF.  San Francisco Public Library.  Web.  14 November 2013.

Sheehey, Alison.  “Sunset over Richardson Bay.”  Photograph.  San Francisco Bay.  National Audubon Society, Inc., 2013.  Web.  14 November 2013.

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